Saturday, August 23, 2008

Interview with The Mayor of FedEx Field

No. I didn't interview myself, but Dave from Tailgating Ideas did.

Dave called me while the DTC was invading Canton a few weeks back.

Pretty in depth. Take a look here.

Tailgating Ideas is a must read for any tailgater. He is always up to date in everything tailgate related.

Whether it's the latest and greatest tailgate gadget, or tailgate humor, it is probably the greatest blog about tailgating.

While you are on his site, be sure to check out the 14 most annoying tailgaters, and the follow up with 10 more annoying tailgaters. Hilarious, yet accurate!


Jarrett said...

Please tell me you guys are coming up to Baltimore this season. I'll do everything in my power to interview with you guys.

Just promise not to jump me in my own city.

The Mayor of FedEx Field said...

Of course the DTC is coming to Baltimore, its our 9th home game this season!

Interview granted. You wont get jumped, just don't give me AIDS!

Anonymous said...

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